‘Intolerance Testing by Post’ continues during the ‘Covid19’ pandemic


3. April 2020

Adverse Reactions like Allergies can appear all of a sudden ‘out of the blue’

During times like this, with restricted access to medical care, it is essential to support in ways we can. Especially as reactions can present as very unpleasant, agonizing physical symptoms or even be life threatening. However, even emotional symptoms like anger, anxiety, depression, ADD and hyperactivity are often triggered and maintained by what a person eats, smells or touches.


We are here to help and continue to work

During the ‘Covid19’ pandemic and subsequent self-isolation there will be some people in desperate need of answers. Since Allergy-Link’s test service is based on postal order and delivery; we are able to help those in need – Worldwide!


We do take precaution

All test orders received by post are placed in ‘quarantine’ for 2 days before letters are opened. We ask that you write your Order Number on the envelope, so that we can send you confirmation of receipt by email. Otherwise the response time - sending email confirmation of Test-Form received - will be delayed.


Allergy-Link is an Independent Alternative Specialist

offering a unique combination Tests for foods and non-foods. The holistic test safely and effectively establishes which specific food or environmental substances may affect you, cause reactions or pose some form of stress to your body.


Which test?

We generally recommend the Standard 150 items test for children and adults alike. This all-round test is oftentimes sufficient (view Sample).


How fast can I get my Test Result?

The return time is app. 7-10 working days from the date the test-form is received.
Letters arriving with the test-form and hair-sample will stay in 'quarantine' for app. 3 days before being opened. Any urgent testing can be processed directly after the ‘quarantine’ time.

Please write your 'Order Number: #123' on the envelope, so that a confirmation email of receipt can be send.



  Any questions? Please don't hesitate and contact us at info@allergylink.co.uk 

  Wishing you the best of health

  Allergy Link



"The body is not sick because it has an adverse reaction.

It has an adverse reaction because it is sick."





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