NEW: Canine Allergy Test - Dog 200


'Allergy' Testing for your Dog  


The Test is provided by Allergy Link - an independent alternative specialist - based in the UK

The Dog 200 test is offered by post - worldwide


Allergy in dogs

Just like in humans, dogs can have adverse reactions 'allergies' and hypersensitivities too. Allergies are quite common in dogs of all breeds and backgrounds. Like in humans, food allergies in dogs can begin at any age, even if your dog has always been eating the same food.

Allergies as such are a ‘misguided’ reaction by the immune system to foreign substances - which, of course pets can suffer from just like humans.

Most allergens giving rise to symptoms are proteins from plants, insects, animals, or foods. But also chemicals, medications or rubber and plastic can be involved.

Environmental allergens, such as dust, pollen, and mold, can also cause an atopic allergic reaction or atopic dermatitis.



Has your dog got an allergy?

There are several different types of allergies through contacted, inhaled and ingested allergens that could be affecting your dog, causing an array of symptoms.

Food allergies, flea or insect allergies as well as environmental allergies all pose challenges for dogs and their owners; and to make things more complicated, the symptoms of these allergies can overlap.




The symptoms of allergies in dogs

Symptoms often take a different route than in humans. For example in most dogs inhalant allergies manifest as skin complaints - itchy skin.

The most common type of allergy symptom is itchy skin, either localized or all over the body, also known as allergic dermatitis. Irritated, itchy skin can happen anywhere on your dog’s body. It often happens near the ears, armpits, belly, rear end, stomach and paws.

The most common places dogs with food allergies itch are their ears and their paws, and this may be accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms – often resulting in vomiting and diarrhoea. Repeated infections - chronic ear or paw infections - may be a sign of a food sensitivity or intolerance, not necessarily a food allergy.


Increase of Allergies in Dogs

Many people and pets suffer from year-round allergies.

There is no clear answer to the question of increasing allergies, but there are a number of factors, suggesting that dogs are affected by many of the same main allergens as people, including food and additives, pollens, environmental factors, fleas, etc.

Veterinarians claim that canine allergies could be on the increase because we treat our dogs 'too nicely.' Meaning by treating dogs like part of the family, allowing them to live inside - we expose them to modern living - wash them with special shampoo, let them sit on upholstered furniture and make them wear flea collars. So they are exposed to the same environment and culprits like humans.

Dogs that don’t suffer from allergies are usually working dogs, which spend most of their time outside in nature, often with other dogs - species-appropriate.


Allergy testing:

After many enquiries from dog owners I have finally decided to design a test for dogs - the result is a comprehensive holistic test, covering a broad spectrum of allergens and substance.

Allergy Link’s unique all-in-one test covers not only allergies, intolerances and sensitivities, but also toxins and poisons.

Analysing what is affecting your dog and to which ‘degree’, can help you have a better understanding of what your dog needs to be healthy.


The Canine Allergy Test - Dog 200

The test is done by post only. Test results are provided by email (PDF) or by post

Cost of the Test   by email:  £49     by post: £56


The comprehensive test covers a general analysis followed by 135 Food and 75 Non-Food substances:

  • Food Allergy & Intolerance
  • Flea & Insect Allergy
  • Environmental Allergy
  • Chemical products
  • Mold spores
  • House dust mites
  • Medications
  • Insecticidal shampoo
  • Rubber and plastic
  • Toxins, Pollutants & Poisons
  • Parasites
  • Water

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Order the DOG 200 Test

Ordering - 3 Easy Steps: 

Step 1 - download, print & complete the Dog200 Test-Form (instructions included)

Step 2 - provide a small hairsample, attach to designated area on form

Step 3 - post to Allergy Link 

Please note:  Test-forms are not sent out by post automatically.

Unable to print?  If you need the test-form to be sent by post, please let us know. Please either check the option: Test-Form required by post when ordering, or reply to your order confirmation email: 'post form' / Test-Form required by post. Alternatively send an email to

Processing time: Test processing takes app. 7-14 working days to complete, from the day the test form is received.







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